Customer statements

Veterinarian Gunnar Dalenss experience with SpermVital

Dairy farmer Bjørn Sætren improves his herd through the use of SpemVital

"Using SpermVital on both heifers and cows"

"The use of SpermVital has really taken off lately"

Dr.Orlandini, veterinarian on Fasoli farm, Italy

“Never had this great result using regular semen. I am satisfied and happy. I think SpermVital works differently. This is a lot more than I expected.”

In Italy SpermVital is used on problem cows (inseminated 6-7 times with regular semen). When using SpermVital on these cows a conception rate of 30% was achieved.

Dairy farmer Tom Appleby, Worchestershire, England

“Getting cows back in calf quickly is important on our farm. Typically our conception rate runs at 40%. Using Spermvital we are now achieving 64%. It does what it says…producing more pregnancies.”

Dairy farmer Jörn Kriesmann, Niedersachsen, Germany

“We have been struggling with getting cows pregnant in the summer time and conception rate was at 20%. After using SpermVital the conception rate went up to 41%. This has been a great improvement for us.”

Jörn Kriesmann farm has 1200 cows.